

  • Ghee....this week assignment, to give out 40 passwords to each students in 20 classes, that's year 1 to year 5 and supervise their login. Hope all the PCs in lab are okay.
    June 20 at 7:10pm · Privacy: · ·

      • Adziah Aziz Oops! Actually to be precise, about 800 passwords to be given.
        June 22 at 3:16am ·

Adziah Aziz Those who pretend will leads the path to looser!And those who decent

and proper will be brighten the life sooner! -adz

‎"among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"-adz

October 25, 2010 at 12:24am · ·

Adziah Aziz Yup, bz these days. Housework,tuition class,kids,biz,writing,blogging &

some errands to accomplish.

October 25, 2010 at 12:16am ·  ________________________________________________________ 
2. Belle 
"Carilah ilmu walau di mana..." Satu ruang perkongsian dlm pencarian ilmu,pembentangan
sketsa penghidupan,penulisan novel dan cerpen. 
3. Puisi/Poem aulia_adz
Midnight recap  
My eyes whimpering asleep 
hands and legs shoving deep
and notes lullaby the exhausted body
 4. Basic Educare

Basic Educare

Lets Do Some Exercise 
CONNECTORS OF ADDITION: in addition, furthermore, moreover, as well as, also, an
Choose the correct connector:(Self Access Learning/SAL) 
5. Twitter
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    Adziah Aziz